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Policies & Procedures





Treatment Refusal: I have the right to refuse service to any client for any reason, examples of these scenarios would be health contraindications, inappropriate advances or behavior and "No Shows"/repeated cancellations other than emergencies.

Note: Some health conditions will require a note from a Doctor before services will be rendered, examples of these would be; Cancer, Pregnancy, Diabetes, and recent surgeries.


Medicine Contraindications: Certain medicines that you may be taking may contraindicate you from certain or all massage/spa services so be sure to let your massage practicioner know so that we can consider your safety before services begin.



Appointment Time:


To ensure that you have the best treatment experience available we ask that you arrive at least 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment time to fill out the necessary health forms. If we have a Therapist available, we will accept walk-ins on a first come first serve basis. Anyone arriving 15 minutes late for a scheduled appointment may be subject to a shorter service time or a cancellation/rescheduling and a late fee of $20.




Appointments that must be cancelled or rescheduled for any reason must be done within a 24 hour period of your original appointment time so that we have ample time to fill that spot. No Shows will be charged a $50 fee before you will be able to reschedule an appointment.


Gift Certificates:



There will be NO REFUNDS given on any gift certificates. 

EXPIRED gift certificates will not be honored.

You have 6 full months from the date of purchase in which to use them.

Gift Certificate MUST BE PRESENT at the time of service or full payment will be charged.

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